


Kings Staith,


YO1 9SN.

16th April 2024

Dear Licensing Department,

Application for the grant of a licence at 14 Clifford Street

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to look at the application for a new licence at 14 Clifford Street, York, yesterday.

I note, from the applicant’s general comments, that the licence is mainly designed to serve the guests in the eleven apartments owned by the applicant, which appear to be accessed through the same door as the proposed licensed premises. I would have no objection to such a licence for the use of apartment dwellers, as this would be similar to the facilities which may be offered by a hotel for the use of its guests.

If, however, the proposed licensed premises were to offer their facilities to the general public (whether or not pre-booking was required) then I would have considerable reservations. Any pre-booking arrangement would need to better than the “membership” that used to be offered by night clubs as a reason for extended opening hours, if it is to be effective in controlling behaviour.

My concerns centre on the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety and public nuisance. The late night noise from drinkers, once they have left a licensed establishment, constitutes a public nuisance, in my opinion. The frequent nocturnal presence of a Police van in Upper Friargate, right opposite the night club which is next door to the proposed licensed premises, is testament to crime and disorder in the area. Alas, those under the influence of alcohol are sometimes careless of their own safety and the flowers attached to the riverside railings near my house are a sad reminder of that fact. On the topic of public safety, there was no plan of the premises attached to the copy of the application that I saw, so I cannot comment on whether there would be adequate emergency exits from the basement premises. Likewise, is there space for a boxing or wrestling ring?

I understand that the proposed licensed premises are within a “Cumulative Impact” area, in which there is a rebuttable presumption that applications for new premises licences will normally be refused (section 9.9 of the City of York statement of licensing policy, 2022 - 2027). Given the above, I urge the authority to refuse this application.

Yours sincerely,













Good morning,


I am emailing from Riding Lights Theatre Company, who operate Friargate Theatre on Lower Friargate.


We would like to make a representation and lodge an objection to the license for a new premises at 14 Clifford Street.


Due to the proximity of the late night venue with live entertainment being so close to our theatre premises we have concerns over noise issues having a negative impact on our venue, and performances within our theatre. Any excessive noise will be heard within the theatre space and would have a significant impact on the business.


As a residential area there are concerns of another late night venue.


We also raise concerns over the security of the area which we already deal with regular anti-social behaviour including public urination on our building.


Our company works within the local community and regularly hold evening sessions with vulnerable adults and young people in our outreach and engagement projects. Any potential anti-social behaviour would have an impact on our audiences, participants and patrons.


We would expect a full noise assessment be completed prior to the granting of a license and a stipulation on required levels of security staff to operate.


With thanks


Riding Lights Theatre Company

Friargate Theatre

Lower Friargate
